next-generation leadership

Next-Generation Leadership Training

Is Your Next-Generation of Leadership Ready to Lead? Finding and retaining talent is a hot topic with systems integrators in 2019. NSCA and Navigate commonly hear how many integrators are struggling with developing new leaders to better understand the business, enlarge their contribution, and add more value. Navigate has listened to

quality equals pride

Quality Equals Pride

Is there a direct linkage between the level of quality delivered within an AV systems integration project, and the level of personal and organizational pride in that accomplishment?   And if so – which comes first?   Is there a causal relationship?   Before we start – we need to


Turning Your Ship Around

Leadership should mean giving control rather than taking control and creating leaders rather than forging followers. Many books have been written on the topic of leadership, and Navigate has shared many of them in the past. One of Brad Malone’s favorites is Turn the Ship Around! by David Marquet, a

revenue vs. growth

Revenue vs. Growth

We’re growing, but what does that really mean? We have heard so much over the past five or 10 years about the concept of growth. Everybody talks about it, but does anybody really knows what it means? What does growth mean to you? That is the topic of this week’s

project management

Creating Project Managers the Right Way

Many organizations that are beginning to mature their business management practices go through a process of determining who to select as their project managers and how to nurture their competence and capabilities. As a certified Project Management Professional and practicing project manager for 25 years, and as someone who’s taught

managing growth

Managing Growth

In the face of increasing complexity, managing growth is a top priority for systems integrators The systems integration industry has become increasingly complex. Twenty years ago you didn’t have to focus on business processes in order to be successful, but you do today. “We have evolved beyond the days of

your culture is your brand

Culture Shapes the Future of Tempest Technologies

Work hard, play hard. Take time for your family. We invest in our employees on a personal level. We provide opportunities for them to grow, not just along a career path, but also in their personal lives. “These are the core values of Tempest Technologies,” according to CEO Debbie Williamson.

cost of culture

The Cost of Culture

Culture has become a real buzz word in the AV industry, and Navigate talks with a lot of companies about culture. But when we talk about culture, what do we mean? In this week’s video, Brad Malone breaks it all down, “Most of the time, I don’t think people really


What Should A Lessons-Learned Process Focus On?

When working on an integration project, how often do we hear, “Didn’t this happen last time?”   Remember, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result. You could say the same about many organizations’ lessons-learned process — or more aptly

better decision making

Better Decision Making – Part 2

What is a decision? It’s “the course of action you intend to take when it isn’t obvious what to do.” Part One of our discussion about decisions addressed how managers should approach them. Part Two raises some ideas and questions for further consideration about who should make the decisions: you or