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Project Management Mastery

Project Management Mastery

Unlock the secrets to effective project management with Project Management Mastery, your ultimate guide to planning and scope management. This comprehensive book is perfect for PMs, Team Leaders and anyone responsible for the success of projects, no matter the size or complexity. From project planning to execution and delivery, Project Management

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Technology as a Service Playbook

Technology-as-a-Service Playbook

It’s a tricky time for the integration industry, and we are all in this together – all trying to break the enigmatic code for the profitable XaaS business. Are we at a tipping point? If so, what will it mean to the traditional business models we know and love? How

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How Leaders Can Inspire Accountability

How Leaders Can Inspire Accountability

When leaders blame other people or circumstances for problems, or fail to acknowledge how they may have contributed to undesirable outcomes, or try to “fix” people instead of fixing the systems within which their people work, they end up producing team members who are more concerned with passing the buck

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Getting Things Done

Getting Things Done

David Allen’s Getting Things Done (GTD) is a time management system that alleviates overwhelm, and instills focus, clarity, and confidence. The GTD method rests on the idea of moving all items of interest, relevant information, issues, tasks and projects out of one’s mind by recording them externally and then breaking

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The Power of Business Process Improvement

The Power of Business Process Improvement

Are you baffled by how your integration company can keep making the same mistakes project after project? Do you feel you have been climbing an unending, uphill battle trying to focus your employees’ limited time on more valuable work? You’re not alone! In fact, these obstacles are so common in

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The Four CX Pillars

The Four CX Pillars to Grow Your Business Now

In the U.S. alone, companies lose over $62 billion dollars a year due to poor customer experience & service. Have you thoughtfully designed the customer experience for your integration business? At the highest level, CX typically focuses on the vast expanse of the customer journey. It goes through all the

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The Streetwise Subbie

The Streetwise Subbie

Very few books explore the problems which are particular to the relationship between Specialist Contractors and the Main Contractor, or Clients with whom they are in contract. Fewer still provide solutions in such a down to earth no-nonsense way as our latest book of the month, which was suggested by

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Financial Intelligence book cover

Financial Intelligence

The theme of Navigate Academy Module 42 is promoting financial literacy, especially among non-financial managers, and that is the target audience for this Navigate Book Club selection. Companies expect managers to use financial data to allocate resources and run their departments. But many managers can’t read a balance sheet, wouldn’t

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The Project Management Communications Toolkit

The Project Management Communications Toolkit

Effective communication is the most powerful tool a manager can use. This is especially true for project managers who are tasked with coordinating the efforts of every project member as well as maintaining an open dialog with Senior Executives. Helping professionals achieve a high-level of communications expertise is the goal

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The Challenger Sale

The Challenger Sale

What’s the secret to sales success? If you’re like most business leaders, you’d say it’s fundamentally about relationships-and you’d be wrong. The best salespeople don’t just build relationships with customers. They challenge them. The need to understand what top-performing reps are doing that their average performing colleagues are not drove

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Leading Change book cover

Leading Change

If there’s one thing we’ve learned it’s that widespread and difficult change is no longer the exception. It’s the rule. Guiding change may be the ultimate test of a leader. No business survives over the long term if it can’t reinvent itself. But human nature being what it is, the

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Navigate Book Club - The Effective Manager book cover

The Effective Manager

Most management books are written for CEOs, but The Effective Manager is expressly aimed at managers of any level. An effective manager is one who achieves results and retention. Can you get the job done – and can you do so in a way that not just attracts, but also

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But Are You Making Any Money

But Are You Making Any Money?

There is a simple equation in business: Profit = Sales – Costs If an integration business doesn’t know its costs, then how can it know its profits? Today, understanding costs is more important than ever. As products are commoditized and competitors are lowering their prices, this puts downward pressure on

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The Truth About Employee Engagement

The Truth About Employee Engagement

In The Truth About Employee Engagement, Patrick Lencioni takes on the universal problem of job dissatisfaction. Millions of workers, even those who have carefully chosen careers based on true passions and interests, dread going to work, suffering each day as they trudge to jobs that make them cynical, weary, and

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The DNA of Strategy Execution

The DNA of Strategy Execution

The DNA of Strategy Execution: Next Generation Project Management and PMO provides innovative insights for organizational project management and PMO. In a world where there are more questions than answers every leader will need to learn to dance to a different beat. Just as DNA contains the genetic instructions used in

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The Service Culture Handbook

The Service Culture Handbook

Imagine you could develop a customer-focused culture so powerful that your employees always seem to do the right thing. They encourage each other, proactively solve problems, and constantly look for ways to go the extra mile. In short, imagine a workplace culture where employees were absolutely obsessed with customer service.

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Ownership Thinking

Ownership Thinking

Entitlement is an insidious disease that is crippling companies, destroying our economy, and crushing potential. It’s infecting the very roots of business performance, it’s spreading fast, and it may be killing your company. On a recent episode of The Navigator, Daniel Adair, Owner and CFO at Fusion Audio + Video,

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The Lean Six Sigman Pocket Toolbook

The Lean Six Sigma Pocket Toolbook

Lean Six Sigma is today’s leading technique to maximize production efficiency and maintain control over each step in the managerial process. This is today’s most complete and results-based reference to the tools and concepts needed to understand, implement, and leverage Lean Six Sigma. With this book, you’ll discover how to

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The Checklist Manifesto

The Checklist Manifesto

“The volume and complexity of what we know has exceeded our individual ability to deliver its benefits correctly, safely or reliably.” Atul Gawande At Navigate, we are long-time believers in checklists and documented processes – not only are they a help, they are required for success. As the integration industry

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Project Management Metrics KPIs and Dashboards

Project Management Metrics, KPIs, and Dashboards

The integration industry is dominated by ever more complex projects, increasing stakeholder involvement and advancements in technology. As a result, metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) have become increasingly integral to informed decision-making and effective project management. Dashboard reporting systems provide accessible project performance data, and sharing this vital data

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Decisive offers fresh strategies and practical tools enabling us to make better choices. Because the right decision, at the right moment, can make all the difference. Research in psychology has revealed that our decisions are disrupted by an array of biases and irrationalities: We define our choices too narrowly to

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Project Managers Spotlight on Change Management

Project Manager’s Spotlight on Change Management

Many times the theory of change management makes sense when you’re reading about it, but when it’s time to implement you’re left scratching your head wondering exactly how to go about it. This book will help you put project processes and methodologies into place without any guess work. Claudia Baca

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QBQ! The Question Behind the Question

QBQ! The Question Behind the Question

This book of the month, QBQ! The Question Behind the Question, is one of Patrick Britton’s favorites, and his go-to book on personal accountability. No organization, or individual, can achieve goals, compete in the marketplace, fulfill a vision, or develop people and teams without accountability. QBQ! answers the question –

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The Effective Executive

The Effective Executive

What makes an effective executive? The measure of the executive is the ability to “get the right things done.” This usually involves doing what other people have overlooked, as well as avoiding what is unproductive. Intelligence, imagination, and knowledge may all be wasted in an executive job without the acquired

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