Reward Value

Is It Better to Reward Effort or Value?

Navigate finds that people are often rewarded by how busy they are, rather than how productive they are. I was recently working with a company and the president said, “I want people who put in lots of effort.” I asked him to define that. “I want them working from seven

Forecasting Sales from New Order History

Forecasting Sales from Your New Order History

In Parts 1 and 2 of this series on forecasting, Joel Harris details three critical KPIs to help integrators predict future results, followed by how to forecast revenue from your monthly backlog. In this final installment we unlock the predictive value of your new order history.   Does your project

Forecast Revenue from Your Monthly Backlog

Forecast Revenue from Your Monthly Backlog

As someone who values business decisions based on hard data, I have long mined my backlog data to determine how I can use it to predict profit in a period.   In a project-driven integration business, if you can accurately forecast revenue, you can also accurately predict that period’s net

The Goal

The Goal

One of Eli Goldratt’s convictions was that the goal of an individual or an organization should not be defined in absolute terms. A good definition of a goal is one that sets us on a path of ongoing improvement. Written in a fast-paced thriller style, The Goal, a gripping novel,

integrators should hire subcontractors

So, All I Have to Do to Be Profitable is Hire Subcontractors?

Welcome back to the final installment in our blog series from Joel Harris, Understanding Variable Costs is Wildly Important for Your Integration Business.   How do you handle routine seasonal variability, peak demand, and one-time opportunities in your integration business? Most integration businesses I work with have a hired permanent

understanding variable costs and profits hiding in plain sight

Profits Hiding in Plain Sight

Are there profits hiding in plain sight in your integration business? Remeber, every dollar saved goes directly to profits.   Welcome to Part 1 of our new blog series from Joel Harris, Understanding Variable Costs is Wildly Important for Your Integration Business.   More than 20 years ago, I discovered

Knowledge is Power

Knowledge is Power

There is a lot of drama and myths around finances, and this is largely because people do not understand the meaning of the numbers. On this episode of The AV Profession, Tim Albright and Brad Malone discuss how financial metrics can give your integration business the power of knowledge.  

project management forecasting

Forecasting for Successful Project Management

How do you hand project management forecasting in your integration business? One of the challenges Navigate often hears from project managers is a lack of ability to manage and forecast resources.   In this video, Brad Malone is joined by Brad Dempsey, CEO of Solutions360, to discuss how forecasting leads

walk away from bad business

How to Walk Away from Bad Business

What Should You Do When Customers Have Unrealistic Expectations? In the middle of 1999, I was a regional sales manager for a manufacturing company, covering most of the eastern US and Canada.  My boss, Scott, decided to join me on the road one week in the Philadelphia area.  Although the