Actual Lessons Learned

A Look Back at 2022 with Some Actual Lessons Learned

In a previous blog post, ‘What Should a Lessons Learned Process Focus On?’, we concluded that a mature lessons learned process can pay huge dividends, especially for systems integrators that work on a multitude of similar projects under tight deadlines. Navigate has been fortunate to work with hundreds of integration


Elements of a Project

The mature practice of project management has become one of the key differentiators for integration companies that are interested in achieving long-term success. Mature project management practices lead to increased profit, greater client satisfaction, higher employee morale and overall quality improvement. But many integrators treat the subject of project management as

Do it right the first time with better planning and management

Why Do Something Once, When You Can Do It Twice?

How much time do you waste in your integration business? And what are the costs associated with call-backs and do-overs? Isn’t it better to do it right, ONCE? On this month’s episode of the Navigator, Brad Malone is joined by our own Robert Hammond to discuss how one of the

The Effective Executive

The Effective Executive

What makes an effective executive? The measure of the executive is the ability to “get the right things done.” This usually involves doing what other people have overlooked, as well as avoiding what is unproductive. Intelligence, imagination, and knowledge may all be wasted in an executive job without the acquired