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The Project Management Communications Toolkit

The Project Management Communications Toolkit

Effective communication is the most powerful tool a manager can use. This is especially true for project managers who are tasked with coordinating the efforts of every project member as well as maintaining an open dialog with Senior Executives. Helping professionals achieve a high-level of communications expertise is the goal

forming a PMO

What Are the Benefits of Forming a PMO?

Project Management should not be about firefighting. On this episode of the Navigator, Brad Malone is joined by Tofiq Indawala, Director of Product Management at Solutions360 to continue our series of discussions on project management.   Too often, we see integrators that believe the role of the Project Manager is

Are Your Project Managers Asking the Right Questions?

Are Your Project Managers Asking the Right Questions?

Most integrators are not asking the right questions. Often, when inquiring after the status of a project, people ask one or two questions: “How much is done?” and/or “Are we on schedule and on budget?” To which the replies are invariably: “Almost done, don’t worry” and/or “On time and on