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Servant Leadership is recommended reading for Navigate Academy Module 10

Servant Leadership

A true classic that remains every bit as relevant today. Greenleaf conceived the idea of servant leadership during a time of chaos in the United States – the late 60’s. For the last 50 years, his writings have been used to instruct, encourage, and motivate leaders to serve as they

Profitable Growth Is Everyone's Business

Profitable Growth Is Everyone’s Business

Ram Charan is a prolific business writer, and we like his books because they are all very practical and usable. As you think about how to grow revenue, Profitable Growth Is Everyone’s Business has some wonderful insights about how you should go about that, versus just adding sales numbers to

Lean Thinking

Lean Thinking

Expanded, updated, and more relevant than ever, this bestselling business classic describes a business system for the twenty-first century that is based on the Toyota (lean) model, which combines operational excellence with value-based strategies to produce steady growth through a wide range of economic conditions. The firms profiled in Lean

The E-Myth Revisited

The E-Myth Revisited

The E-Myth has been a pivotal book in Brad Malone’s career growth as both a consultant and a business owner – he bought his first copy in 1992.  It helped to separate his role(s) as individual technical contributor and business owner – and learn how to prioritize and execute the

build your next generation

How Do You Build Your Next Generation?

When we talk about succession planning, people often associate that with selling your company and handing the keys to a new king of the castle.   But succession planning is about so much more than that – is the castle healthy? That is the subject of this episode of The

Leadership from the Inside Out

Leadership from the Inside Out

There are three characteristics that are fundamental to the most successful, and results producing leaders: Authenticity: Well-developed self-awareness that openly faces strengths, vulnerabilities, and development challenges. Influence: Meaningful communication that connects with people by reminding self and other what is genuinely important. Value Creation: Passion and aspiration to serve multiple

Turn the Ship Around

Turn the Ship Around!

One of Brad Malone’s favorite books on leadership s is Turn the Ship Around! by David Marquet, a retired Navy officer. When he was appointed captain of the USS Santa Fe, a nuclear-powered submarine, the ship was plagued by poor morale, poor performance, and the worst retention in the fleet.


Have the Courage to Lead

Trust, Professionalism, Respect There is a difference between knowing the right thing to do and actually acting upon it. On this episode of the AV Profession, Navigate’s Brad Malone explains the benefits of establishing solid business standards, finding the courage to lead and how to start the conversation. Listen for

Bill Sharer

What I Learned from Bill Sharer

By Joel Rollins@joelrollinsav   For some time now, I have meant to do an article about sales and marketing for rental and staging, how they are different from the rest of our industry, how they are the same and how they are changing. I was not sure when I would