What is Management Maturity?

What is Management Maturity?

Management maturity is crucial, and it’s not about who’s been there the longest, it’s a skill which can and must be fostered. “I see a lot of companies where the first five guys in the van are now at the executive table, 30 years later,” says Malone. “There’s nothing wrong

Essentials of Performance Management

Essentials of Performance Management

As we enter the six month of “lock-down” within this pandemic, I’d like to share one of the themes I heard over and over from my virtual clients – independent of the role (Executives to Managers to Technicians).   Many organizations are struggling to measure the performance of their people

Build quality

3 Ways to Build Quality into Integration Projects

Navigate has worked with hundreds of AV and Systems Integration companies, and one thing that continues to amaze us is the difference in process maturity between companies – and the results.   There are several areas where you can distinguish mature and immature companies – especially in their approach to