The Lean Six Sigman Pocket Toolbook

The Lean Six Sigma Pocket Toolbook

Lean Six Sigma is today’s leading technique to maximize production efficiency and maintain control over each step in the managerial process. This is today’s most complete and results-based reference to the tools and concepts needed to understand, implement, and leverage Lean Six Sigma. With this book, you’ll discover how to

The Goal

The Goal

One of Eli Goldratt’s convictions was that the goal of an individual or an organization should not be defined in absolute terms. A good definition of a goal is one that sets us on a path of ongoing improvement. Written in a fast-paced thriller style, The Goal, a gripping novel,

Lean Startup

The Lean Startup

For many years, The Lean Startup has been a favorite book of our podcast guest for Navigate Academy Module 11, Brian James, Director of Sales and Engineering at Neurilink. The chapters on testing are particularly relevant for this new time and age we are living through. Are there small, lightweight