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As an industry, Navigate believes we need to focus on growing that next generation of leadership and management. Many integrators are having a hard time finding and retaining talent, for many roles ranging from technicians and engineers, to project managers. This is, in part, because we are not growing them
There are three characteristics that are fundamental to the most successful, and results producing leaders: Authenticity: Well-developed self-awareness that openly faces strengths, vulnerabilities, and development challenges. Influence: Meaningful communication that connects with people by reminding self and other what is genuinely important. Value Creation: Passion and aspiration to serve multiple
One of Brad Malone’s favorite books on leadership s is Turn the Ship Around! by David Marquet, a retired Navy officer. When he was appointed captain of the USS Santa Fe, a nuclear-powered submarine, the ship was plagued by poor morale, poor performance, and the worst retention in the fleet.