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When is the Project Done vs. Done-Done

What’s interesting, humorous or even sad, is an integrator’s ability to say when a project is done and when it is done-done. The project closure process can happen many ways. Some project closures are positive, but many are negative. Last week, we discussed the processes integrators can put in place

project closure

Project Closure: When is Done Really Done?

The project closure process, which as project managers know, simply means closing out a project at its conclusion, can happen many ways. Some project closures are positive; many are negative. In my experience working with multiple AV integration companies, I’ve seen all types of scenarios play out. And I’m sad

successful project management

Keys to Successful Project Management

Last week we learned about How to Create Project Managers the Right Way. But successful projects require much more than just good project managers. In fact, you could argue that the success (or failure) of a project is determined before the project manager ever gets involved. That is the topic

project management

Creating Project Managers the Right Way

Many organizations that are beginning to mature their business management practices go through a process of determining who to select as their project managers and how to nurture their competence and capabilities. As a certified Project Management Professional and practicing project manager for 25 years, and as someone who’s taught


What Should A Lessons-Learned Process Focus On?

When working on an integration project, how often do we hear, “Didn’t this happen last time?”   Remember, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result. You could say the same about many organizations’ lessons-learned process — or more aptly

dropped handoffs

The Cost of Dropped Handoffs

What is the cost of dropped handoffs in your AV integration  business? How many of us regularly experience the drama, chaos and re-work of dropped handoffs? Why does this happen? Don’t we practice those handoffs – of which there are hundreds – every project, every year? In our AV Integration

dropped handoffs

Handoffs Between Organizational Roles

What is the cost of dropped handoffs in your AV integration business? In my experience managing projects — and in working with companies that are also attempting to manage projects — a key determinant of success or failure is the handoff between organizational roles and functions. In small companies, where

The AV Profession podcast

Drilling Down with your Projects

When it comes to your clients’ projects there are several steps in the sales process for getting down to what they really need. As a sales and engineering team, it could be easy to assume certain things about a project especially if it appears similar to another project. Navigate’s Bill Sharer diving deep with discovery during the sales process.

The AV Profession podcast

Done and Done-Done

In some companies and industries, once the salesperson has the purchase order they consider their task to be complete. In the audiovisual industry that isn’t always the case. Bill Sharer talks about when the salesperson’s job is done, and when it’s done-done.

The AV Profession podcast

The Cost of Quality

What is the cost of quality? On this episode of The AV Profession, we talk with Navigate’s Brad Malone about understanding the cost of creating quality projects. How do you get rid of the “done, done” mentality? We also discuss how you can find out how much it’s really costing you to do a job multiple times.