Have the Courage to Lead

Trust, Professionalism, Respect There is a difference between knowing the right thing to do and actually acting upon it. On this episode of the AV Profession, Navigate’s Brad Malone explains the benefits of establishing solid business standards, finding the courage to lead and how to start the conversation. Listen for


Resource Management Helps Manage Growth at the McKeon Group

Last week Brad Malone covered some best practices for resource management in our organizations, including: alignment and continuous process improvement. Today, we further explore this theme, with a focus on how to best manage resources while also managing growth.   One of the questions Navigate commonly hears from integrators is

resource management

Resource Management: Getting What You Need from Workers

Here’s a question all AV companies need to ask: How do we handle resource management inside our organizations?   Resource management is such an important issue, it invariably leads to other questions: How do we manage the utilization of our resources effectively? How do we set objectives that our people

keeping score

Measuring for Measuring’s Sake

How do you keep score in your integration business, and who is responsible for it? A lot of organizations have goals, but they’re soft like, “We’re going to increase sales.” That’s good, but based on what? Is it based on revenue? Profit? Market share? And how do you measure your progress?


Turning Your Ship Around

Leadership should mean giving control rather than taking control and creating leaders rather than forging followers. Many books have been written on the topic of leadership, and Navigate has shared many of them in the past. One of Brad Malone’s favorites is Turn the Ship Around! by David Marquet, a

The AV Profession podcast

Responsible Actions

Positive reinforcement in the workplace is a good way to motivate your employees. But how should you balance this with negative reinforcement when it comes to creating deadlines and meeting goals. Navigate’s Brad Malone talks with us about creating a culture of responsibility within your business.

The AV Profession podcast

Setting Goals for Employees

On this AV Profession, we look at the importance of growth tracks for your employees. How you define them and the best way to set up a compensation plan for your employees. Navigate’s Brad Malone talks about developing your employees and empowering them for success.