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Build Your Leadership Team

Did You Use the Pandemic to Build Your Leadership Team?

On this episode of the Navigator, Brad Malone is joined by Brad Dempsey and Joel Harris.   One of the conversations our panel has been having with integrators is, did they use the pandemic as an opportunity to increase the capabilities of their leadership team, or did they waste it?

Management by Talking Around

Management by Talking Around

Management By Walking Talking Around   “Just the act of listening means more than you can imagine to most employees.” Bob Nelson   ‘Our employees are our greatest asset,’ is a popular phrase in today’s workplace.   And as business leaders, it is critically important to recognize that our people

Are You Leading Managing or Coddling?

Are You Leading, Managing or Coddling?

Leadership is sexy while management is kind of tough, and that’s where we get into coddling, which is managers who really don’t manage. On this episode of the Navigator podcast, Brad Dempsey, CEO at Solutions360, joins Brad Malone to discuss how these days, it takes courage to manage, and it

Ask the right interview questions

Are You Asking the Right Interview Questions?

On today’s episode of The AV Profession, Brad Malone joins Tim Albright to discuss hiring practices and the interview questions you should be asking.   Finding and retaining talent is a top priority for integrators, and as we return to the workplace, Navigate is working with many integrators that are

The Dollarization Discipline

The Dollarization Discipline

The Dollarization Discipline shows organizations and marketers how to effectively communicate the economic value created by their products and services. Every day, good integration companies suffer because they create value for customers, yet they are unable to fully explain the value customers get from their solutions. Then the decision falls

What Qualities Make Good Leaders?

What Qualities Make Good Leaders?

  On this episode of The AV Profession, Brad Malone joins Tim Albright to discuss what qualities make good leaders.   Leadership is about creating a vision and inviting people to come along on the journey.   And it’s about risk, because you’re putting your name on that vision.  

What the Customer Wants You to Know

What the Customer Wants You to Know

We have to face the truth: the process of selling is broken. Customers have more choices and are under intense pressure. Yet few companies are facing this reality. More than ever these days, the sales process tends to be a war about price, a frustrating, unpleasant war that takes all

Establishing core values and ethics

Establishing Core Values and Ethics

Back By Popular Demand: Establishing Core Values and Ethics is one of Brad Malone’s ‘most read’ pieces of content of all time. Although it was written several years ago, this article remains every bit as relevant today.   We have all heard how different generations of people (baby boomers, Gen

Built to Last

Built to Last

Built to Last examines 18 truly exceptional and long-lasting companies and studies each in direct comparison to one of its top competitors. It follows these companies from their very beginnings to the present day – as start-ups, as midsize companies, and as large corporations. What makes the truly exceptional companies